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Restaurants in Lake Yamanaka

Store name    Travel time and tap
Supermarket Ogino supermarket 2minutes walk
 Japanese food Taiho Local Cuisine Sake sashimi 4 minutes walk
 Restaurant Denny's  Restaurant open from 7am  19 minutes walk
Japanese cuisine Seahorse
English menu
14minutes walk
  Local cuisine Shoya  Local Cuisine Soba/Tempura  18minutes walk
Convenience store Lawson
convenience store 6minutes walk
Seven-Eleven convenience store 7minutes walk
Local cuisine Wajurou Local Cuisine Soba/Tempura  5 minutes by car
Italian Lakeside Cabin italian food 5 minutes by car
Italian Cuisine Chianti Como italian food 5 minutes by car
29minutes walk
Kikuya Shokudo Katsudon or ramen 12 minutes walk
Hot spring Benifuji no Yu Equipped with hot springs and restaurant 10 minutes walk
Hananomiyako Park flower park 5 minutes walk
Rental bicycle [Nagisa] 9 minutes walk